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Low in calories, but rich in valuable nutrients. The Cauliflower florets is an excellent basic ingredient of first courses, salads and side dishes. Steamed or au gratin in the oven, it will retain its taste and beneficial properties.
Strutto raffinato adatto a fritture saporite e croccanti e ad utilizzi in pasticceria e panificazione per la preparazione di paste dolci o salate quali focacce, pizze, piadine, pasticceria da forno, biscotteria; può essere utilizzato anche in cucina per dorare ed insaporire la carne nelle sue diverse preparazioni.
This is the most common form in industrialised countries for economic and practical reasons. As the name suggests, pressed yeast is sold in the form of compact dough. In France it is white and crumbly, while in other countries it can take on a darker color and have a more "elastic" texture.
Orogel Pearled Spelt is ready to become the protagonist of warm soups or fresh summer salads! You just need to change ingredients every time, to have always different recipes!