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Fried potatoes are a food based on potatoes cut into slices of elongated shape and fried in various ways in different countries: in Belgium the "Blanc de bœuf" beef tallow is used in a special deep fryer, but in general it is the most common vegetable oils; in Italy and Spain the potatoes are also baked until they get the characteristic crispness, and then served. 
Piattto leggendario del profondo sud USA, realizzato con spalla di maiale portata a magro, aromatizzata e marinata a puntino, quindi affumicata alla brace e infine sfilacciata. Un classico della lenta cottura
Fried potatoes are a food based on potatoes cut into slices of elongated shape and fried in various ways in different countries: in Belgium the "Blanc de bœuf" beef tallow is used in a special deep fryer, but in general it is the most common vegetable oils; in Italy and Spain the potatoes are also baked until they get the characteristic crispness, and then served. 
Fried potatoes are a food based on potatoes cut into slices of elongated shape and fried in various ways in different countries: in Belgium the "Blanc de bœuf" beef tallow is used in a special deep fryer, but in general it is the most common vegetable oils; in Italy and Spain the potatoes are also baked until they get the characteristic crispness, and then served. 
This is the most common form in industrialised countries for economic and practical reasons. As the name suggests, pressed yeast is sold in the form of compact dough. In France it is white and crumbly, while in other countries it can take on a darker color and have a more "elastic" texture.
Le Ribs sono delle costine di suino preparate con una miscela di spezie e altri ingredienti  che le rendono molto saporite. Sono perfette per chi ama i sapori decisi e desidera esplorare la cucina d’oltreoceano.
The crocchè (from the French croquette) often called also panzarotti, are a typical dish of the Neapolitan cuisine also spread in Puglia and Sicily, in particular in Palermo, where there is a variant.
E’ la razza tipica della Valdichiana, una delle più antiche e importanti razze d’Italia…di chi stiamo parlando? Ma della Chianina, naturalmente! La sua carne è sempre stata molto apprezzata, ma negli ultimi anni è diventata un vero e proprio tormentone del food, grazie ad una nuova tendenza: l’hamburger di Chianina.