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Fried potatoes are a food based on potatoes cut into slices of elongated shape and fried in various ways in different countries: in Belgium the "Blanc de bœuf" beef tallow is used in a special deep fryer, but in general it is the most common vegetable oils; in Italy and Spain the potatoes are also baked until they get the characteristic crispness, and then served. 
Fried potatoes are a food based on potatoes cut into slices of elongated shape and fried in various ways in different countries: in Belgium the "Blanc de bœuf" beef tallow is used in a special deep fryer, but in general it is the most common vegetable oils; in Italy and Spain the potatoes are also baked until they get the characteristic crispness, and then served. 
Strutto raffinato adatto a fritture saporite e croccanti e ad utilizzi in pasticceria e panificazione per la preparazione di paste dolci o salate quali focacce, pizze, piadine, pasticceria da forno, biscotteria; può essere utilizzato anche in cucina per dorare ed insaporire la carne nelle sue diverse preparazioni.
The crocchè (from the French croquette) often called also panzarotti, are a typical dish of the Neapolitan cuisine also spread in Puglia and Sicily, in particular in Palermo, where there is a variant.
Fried potatoes are a food based on potatoes cut into slices of elongated shape and fried in various ways in different countries: in Belgium the "Blanc de bœuf" beef tallow is used in a special deep fryer, but in general it is the most common vegetable oils; in Italy and Spain the potatoes are also baked until they get the characteristic crispness, and then served. 
Il prosciutto crudo fiocco della Valtellina è ricavato dai tagli più pregiati delle cosce di alta qualità, la sua lavorazione rispetta fedelmente l’antica ricetta di famiglia. Il profumo inconfondibile, il gusto delicato e caratteristico, garantiscono un’esperienza unica. La forma pressata a mattonella, disossata, garantisce infine alta resa al taglio e fette uniformi dall’inizio alla fine.