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Filetto: questa parola definisce il taglio in assoluto più tenero e pregiato della carne bovina, così unico che, a differenza di quanto accade per tutte le altre parti, viene chiamato allo stesso modo in tutte le regioni d’Italia. Il filetto occupa la volta della regione lombo-sacrale dell’animale. Corre parallelo alla costata, sotto le vertebre lombari e in prossimità dei reni. 
Fresh raw materials, selected following the principle of sustainable sourcing and paying great attention to the quality of all ingredients. Authentic taste of hazelnuts and cocoa, made even more irresistible by its unique creaminess
Soft to the touch, flavored to the nose, delicate to the palate: taste this alternative meat, is to start an itinerary that excites the senses. It is only achieved by making things to perfection, choosing the best cuts of meat of young foals, performing a long maturation. The result is that sweet taste that melts in your mouth.