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Fried potatoes are a food based on potatoes cut into slices of elongated shape and fried in various ways in different countries: in Belgium the "Blanc de bœuf" beef tallow is used in a special deep fryer, but in general it is the most common vegetable oils; in Italy and Spain the potatoes are also baked until they get the characteristic crispness, and then served. 
Fried potatoes are a food based on potatoes cut into slices of elongated shape and fried in various ways in different countries: in Belgium the "Blanc de bœuf" beef tallow is used in a special deep fryer, but in general it is the most common vegetable oils; in Italy and Spain the potatoes are also baked until they get the characteristic crispness, and then served. 
Filetto: questa parola definisce il taglio in assoluto più tenero e pregiato della carne bovina, così unico che, a differenza di quanto accade per tutte le altre parti, viene chiamato allo stesso modo in tutte le regioni d’Italia. Il filetto occupa la volta della regione lombo-sacrale dell’animale. Corre parallelo alla costata, sotto le vertebre lombari e in prossimità dei reni. 
Fried potatoes are a food based on potatoes cut into slices of elongated shape and fried in various ways in different countries: in Belgium the "Blanc de bœuf" beef tallow is used in a special deep fryer, but in general it is the most common vegetable oils; in Italy and Spain the potatoes are also baked until they get the characteristic crispness, and then served. 
The Salmon Fillet is a great product for both adults and children. Product under emptied individually, practical and fast. Succulent in all ways, especially with a light breading, easy to bake and ready to be enjoyed or cooked in a pan, fish rich in omega 3 
The term surimi, in Italian it indicates a product composed essentially of cod pulp (generally Alaska cod) and carbohydrates usually packed in orange and white colored cylinders formed by various layers of rolled fish pulp dough and held together by thickeners of food type.