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This is the most common form in industrialised countries for economic and practical reasons. As the name suggests, pressed yeast is sold in the form of compact dough. In France it is white and crumbly, while in other countries it can take on a darker color and have a more "elastic" texture.
The pulp of the sea urchin is the pulp of the sea urchin, the fruit of the sea with long spines that we know well for having seen it so many times in our seas. Once opened, the sea urchin reveals 5 gonads of red or orange color that, collected with a teaspoon, constitute the tasty pulp.
Il prosciutto crudo fiocco della Valtellina è ricavato dai tagli più pregiati delle cosce di alta qualità, la sua lavorazione rispetta fedelmente l’antica ricetta di famiglia. Il profumo inconfondibile, il gusto delicato e caratteristico, garantiscono un’esperienza unica. La forma pressata a mattonella, disossata, garantisce infine alta resa al taglio e fette uniformi dall’inizio alla fine.