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Considerato prezioso fin dall’epoca romana, il Farro è oggi uno dei protagonisti della dieta mediterranea. Saporito, sano e fonte di fibre; provalo come risotto o in gustose insalate. Facile e veloce da preparare, si cuoce direttamente in acqua salata bollente.
Il Pan Carrè Mulino Bianco è preparato con una ricetta semplice e tradizionale. Si esalta appena tostato, per toast irresistibilmente stuzzicanti.
Tagliolini are a variety of egg pasta typical of Molise and Piedmont, characterized by a very thin cut width. It is a pasta with fast cooking, it goes well with light sauces, with fish, delicate seasonings or even in broth.
Practical pre-cooked egg dough, ideal for gastronomic preparations such as lasagne or cannelloni. The paste is bronze drawn, the product is well formed and well cut, homogeneous size, intact and with absence of anomalous colors
Kataifi pasta is a preparation based on flour and water, a typical ingredient of Greek and Middle Eastern cuisine. It is fillo pasta cut into very thin strands that makes the dishes crisp and tasty. Today this pasta is used in the kitchens of chefs to give crispness and taste to their dishes, as well as for effective preparations.