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Dalla lavorazione dei migliori grani nasce il cous cous Barilla, un prodotto dal sapore e dalla qualità unica. Ideale per preparare primi freddi o caldi a base di carne, pesce o verdure.
An incredibly soft, fresh and enveloping filling prepared with real Puglia burrata The experience of the "master pasta makers" Canuti has allowed to create a sheet, slowly drawn to bronze, from the fast and perfect cooking, a scent and a roughness like the homemade one.
Considerato prezioso fin dall’epoca romana, il Farro è oggi uno dei protagonisti della dieta mediterranea. Saporito, sano e fonte di fibre; provalo come risotto o in gustose insalate. Facile e veloce da preparare, si cuoce direttamente in acqua salata bollente.
A type of pasta typical of the Puglia region, whose shape is approximately similar to that of small ears, from which the name derives. The typical regional recipe is the one that sees them together with turnip tops, but they are also excellent with meat or vegetable seasonings.
Paccheri are a type of traditional Neapolitan pasta in the form of giant macaroni. Prepared according to tradition with only durum wheat semolina, they are excellent served with meat sauce, seasonings with cheese, vegetables, with fish or shellfish, they are also served stuffed with ricotta cheese and vegetables and baked in the oven.