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Elegant and tasty vegetable skewers, prepared with onions, green peppers, red peppers, stuffed olives. All inserted manually on a skewer to facilitate consumption and embellish the presentation. They are great for aperitifs, in buffets or as a side dish to red and white meats.
More and more present in our kitchen, salmon eggs are much larger than lumpfish eggs and are intended for a variety of uses when you want to delicatey emphasize the taste of fish.
Considerato prezioso fin dall’epoca romana, il Farro è oggi uno dei protagonisti della dieta mediterranea. Saporito, sano e fonte di fibre; provalo come risotto o in gustose insalate. Facile e veloce da preparare, si cuoce direttamente in acqua salata bollente.
Cuttlefish ink is mainly used as a condiment, especially for pasta dishes. It helps to color and flavor pasta dishes, fresh pasta in the first place. Sometimes someone use it in cooking risotto, to plan, or even in sauce to enhance the flavors of fish.
Fresh raw material of the highest quality from farms located in the waters of the Norwegian fjords. The processing takes place following traditional techniques The fillet, covered with a layer of salt, rests for a few hours thus ensuring greater shelf-life Smoking also takes place not using artificial smoke aromas but using blends of fine woods
Dalla lavorazione dei migliori grani nasce il cous cous Barilla, un prodotto dal sapore e dalla qualità unica. Ideale per preparare primi freddi o caldi a base di carne, pesce o verdure.