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Elegant and tasty vegetable skewers, prepared with onions, green peppers, red peppers, stuffed olives. All inserted manually on a skewer to facilitate consumption and embellish the presentation. They are great for aperitifs, in buffets or as a side dish to red and white meats.
Indispensabile in cucina, comodo e pratico il Pangrattato del Mulino nasce da un’antica usanza qui reinterpretata,secondo la quale il pane raffermo veniva grattugiato in casa dopo essere stato cotto in forno ed essiccato.
Il Pan Carrè Mulino Bianco è preparato con una ricetta semplice e tradizionale. Si esalta appena tostato, per toast irresistibilmente stuzzicanti.
The pulp of the sea urchin is the pulp of the sea urchin, the fruit of the sea with long spines that we know well for having seen it so many times in our seas. Once opened, the sea urchin reveals 5 gonads of red or orange color that, collected with a teaspoon, constitute the tasty pulp.
Cheddar is a hard cheese, from whole cow’s milk in color that can vary from pale yellow to orange, strong taste. It originated in the English village of Cheddar, Somerset, from which it takes its name.