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Dalla lavorazione dei migliori grani nasce il cous cous Barilla, un prodotto dal sapore e dalla qualità unica. Ideale per preparare primi freddi o caldi a base di carne, pesce o verdure.
Considerato prezioso fin dall’epoca romana, il Farro è oggi uno dei protagonisti della dieta mediterranea. Saporito, sano e fonte di fibre; provalo come risotto o in gustose insalate. Facile e veloce da preparare, si cuoce direttamente in acqua salata bollente.
IRELAND PRAWN 11/15 fao 27 1,350kg(SU)
Light and delicate when raw and sweet, and tasty when cooked, prawns are one of the most appreciated by consumers because they are very versatile in their preparation. Ideal for appetizers, first courses, but also main courses, grilled, fried, baked, boiled. 
IRELAND PRAWN 21/25 fao 27 1,350kg(SU)
Light and delicate when raw and sweet, and tasty when cooked, prawns are one of the most appreciated by consumers because they are very versatile in their preparation. Ideal for appetizers, first courses, but also main courses, grilled, fried, baked, boiled. 
The crocchè (from the French croquette) often called also panzarotti, are a typical dish of the Neapolitan cuisine also spread in Puglia and Sicily, in particular in Palermo, where there is a variant.