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I profumi e i sapori decisi del pomodoro e del peperone, mescolati ad arte con gli aromi naturali, danno vita, nella salsa Barbecue Gaia, ad una fresca specialita’ utilizzata come condimento, da abbinare alla carne cotta alla griglia.
IRELAND PRAWN 11/15 fao 27 1,350kg(SU)
Light and delicate when raw and sweet, and tasty when cooked, prawns are one of the most appreciated by consumers because they are very versatile in their preparation. Ideal for appetizers, first courses, but also main courses, grilled, fried, baked, boiled. 
Mortadella Nostrana Bladder Natural is produced exclusively with carefully selected pigs raised in Italy. Shoulder and throat fat are cubed and washed before being mixed with minced meats at the time of processing. The dough is then stuffed into a natural bladder, typical of nostrano products 1/2 5kg
IRELAND PRAWN 21/25 fao 27 1,350kg(SU)
Light and delicate when raw and sweet, and tasty when cooked, prawns are one of the most appreciated by consumers because they are very versatile in their preparation. Ideal for appetizers, first courses, but also main courses, grilled, fried, baked, boiled.