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La forma e le dimensioni sono studiate per adattare il cestino di pane ad ogni esigenza. Può essere utilizzarlo per antipasti, primi piatti , secondi e dessert grazie al suo sapore neutro che lo rende gustoso con qualsiasi abbinamento. Un piatto perfetto per antipasti, primi piatti, secondi e dessert. Oltretutto il cibo nel cestino di pane si raffredderà molto più lentamente.
This is the most common form in industrialised countries for economic and practical reasons. As the name suggests, pressed yeast is sold in the form of compact dough. In France it is white and crumbly, while in other countries it can take on a darker color and have a more "elastic" texture.
It is one of the most requested meat proposals. The portion obtained from the anatomical cut of the hip tip of beef, is vacuum cooked at low temperature with a drizzle of oil and rosemary. In this way the loss of meat juices is reduced to almost zero, preserving both the structure and the flavors. The slice must be cut, preferably already hot.